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  • Deer Hunting Tips For Beginners: How You Can Learn To Hunt

    In honor of National Hunting and Fishing Day, we’ve put together a list of deer hunting tips for beginners. There’s no better time than the present to get started as a hunter. Deer hunts are available in almost every state, permits are not that expensive and there are plenty of clubs and experienced hunters willing to help someone learn more about this lifestyle. Here’s our advice though for anyone looking to take their first deer hunt this year.

  • How to Prepare for Your Hunting Dog For His First Hunt

    Going hunting with your dogs can be fun and help you to flush out prey as well as retrieve the kills for you through the brush, grasses, and water. This should be a positive experience for both you and your dogs, but it is important to properly prepare them for their first hunt. The following guide walks you through a few tips to use to ensure that you are able to create a great hunting experience for you and your dogs.

  • How To Get Started Hunting as an Adult Who Never Learned as a Kid

    When you see articles and advice for new shooters you might notice that nearly every article and advice is geared towards fathers getting their sons and daughters into hunting. Hunting is a sport for young and old but there has traditionally been a problem bringing adults with no family ties to hunting into the culture.

  • How to Become a Better Hunter

    Hunting is a unique skill, that can be a challenge to learn if you didn't grow up in the lifestyle. For the vast majority of people, this is something that they learned as a child how to be a hunter while tagging along with their father and grandfather... eventually graduating to the point where they were given their first gun and taught how to shoot. For the rest of us though, hunting is a bit of a foreign experience. It doesn't have to be that way though. Even adults who never learned how can become successful hunters later in life with a bit of patience, practice, and desire to learn.

  • Buying Your First Gun: Advice for New Owners On What To Look For

    Unfortunately, guns and gun control is an incredibly divisive topic in today's world. However, that doesn't change that there are millions of firearms owned legally by Americans nationwide. While I'm not going to get into the debate of whether something should be legal or illegal, the fact remains that shooting sports are an incredible hobby and guns are tools that when used properly can provide positive experiences for their owners. As a result, the trend is clear. Millions of Americans are becoming first-time gun owners. This makes it essential that we take a look at the safe operation of these machines.