Wampanoag Succotash: A Culinary Journey Inspired by History and Heritage
Nov 24, 2024
Wampanoag Succotash: A Culinary Journey Inspired by History and Heritage
In recent years, the demand for plant-based burgers has skyrocketed, driven by growing health concerns, environmental issues, and a desire by eco-conscious consumers to reduce damages that they see to the environment by the consumption of animal products. In addition to concerns related to sustainability, plant-based meats and plant-based meat alternatives are also increasingly popular due to perceived health benefits that are widely observed among those men who enjoy vegan, vegetarian, or indeed just a diet that is low in the consumption of red meat and high in nutrient-rich vegetables. Unfortunately, in the past these plant-based alternatives simply haven't been all that tasty. Options that existed in the past like "Bean Burgers" and "Veggie Burgers" were simply not a realistic alternative for hungry carnivores like myself. Things have changed though... meatless burgers today are much tastier but are they actually healthier than meat?
Summer is almost here and we've got a few months of outdoor grilling, tailgating and homegating in front of us. As men we are expected to be masters of the grill and while an important part of that is understanding how to "cook" the meat... it's equally important to know how to prepare that meat before cooking it.
When getting ready to grill, there's really three main ways to go - Rub, Marinade, or Sauce. Do you understand the difference though? This is a subject that deserves to be explored a bit, so let's look at how the preparation affects the way the meat tastes and looks on the other side.
For most of you, winter is in full swing right now and that means it's time to warm up with a steaming bowl of hearty soup. I've also found that for some reason there seems to be a lot of spiral cut hams on sale right now. Perhaps it's just that "after the holidays" inventory close out, but who am I to complain. My only problem was that I end up leaving an awful lot of meat on the bone after eating the slices. So, instead of throwing them out - let's make soup!
Nachos are one of the great American party foods. It's uniquely American in that it took inspiration from another culture and then made it ours. That's what American food is all about - taking the best from around the world and then making it even more awesome. So in that spirit, I introduce you guys to nanchos! That's right, Indian inspired nachos using nan instead of chips and a blend of spicy and exotic Indian spices.
Asking a chef or cook what their secret recipe is one of those things that I generally try to avoid. After all, there's always more to a great meal than simply a set of directions. That being said, after trying some of the famous Gator Gumbo at Peace River Seafood in Punta Gorda, Florida I just had to ask for the chance to share it with you guys. It's THAT good... and what's even better is that they even have a pet alligator in the pond out back... because of course they do, It's Florida!
For this recipe I've created something of an excersise in conflict - the rich, creamy alfredo sauce, topped with the earthy, rustic mushrooms, roasted chicken, and spicy chili flakes spice blend that is brought together with a hearty quality pasta that is better that anything you can find at the grocery store and then a strong drizzle of Frankies 457 Calabrian Chil Oil to bring everything together. OMG it's so good!
Las Vegas has been a foodie town for generations and despite the fancy new places that open up every week, there are still some classics left in town like the Golden Steer Steakhouse. Founded in 1958, it saw the golden years of "Old Las Vegas" and a list of celebrities a mile long, including: Frank Sinatra, Muhammad Ali, Tony "The Ant" Spilatro, Natalie Wood, Nat "King" Cole, Joe DiMaggio, Elvis Presley and Mario Andretti. In 2009 Bon Appetit Magazine even featured it in their feature, "The Best Steaks On Earth." Now, they are revealing some of their famous recipes and we've got a few samples to share!
If you're looking for the best steaks money can buy, you don't need to go to your local butcher shop. In fact, you don't even need to leave your house! There are a number of premium steak retailers online that offer an amazing selection of cuts and styles, all with the convenience of home delivery. So why should you buy steaks online? Let's take a look.
If there are two things that I love most in life - aside from my wife of course! It's traveling and discovering new local favorite foods. One area that continues to be on my bucket list - is Branson. There's a simple wholesome joy about this "Vegas of the Midwest" that draws my interest. So of course, when the folks at Silver Dollar City sent me their recipe for Their famous Ozark Mountain Succotash Family Fued Skillet... well, I just had to share it with you guys.
Cranberry sauce and cranberry jelly have been Thanksgiving staples for most Americans for more than 400 years. I get it, traditions are good but I wanted to create something unique, more flavorful and more authentic as an alternative. When it comes to culinary traditions found among historical records of the Wampanoag and other Northeastern Tribes, such as the Narragansett, berries were clearly a favorite. Not only do they taste great and are packed with nutrients but they are also plentiful and grow naturally - as long as you know when and where to look of course! So, in honor of Native American Heritage Day and just because I love traveling through my tastebuds, I've created this recipe for Wampanoag Inspired Maple, Blueberry, and Cranberry Sauce.
Whether tailgating or homegating it's a difficult balance between creating something awesome and spending way too much time in the kitchen preparing and then cleaning up. As a man, creating ultimate recipes is something I revel in because it's an opportunity to take the gloves off and innovate with no boundaries. So today I'm going to introduce you to my latest creation - Smithfield Pulled Pork Totchos and hopefully inspire you to try something new next time you have the guys over to watch football.
Who loves peanut butter cookies? How do you make them even better than they normally are? How about adding some bacon! This is a gluten free recipe that even gluten lovers will ask for more of...
One of the challenges with a restaurant like Fogo de Chao is that meat is the centerpiece of the experience (aside from their amazing service of course!) So while the market table is an essential part of the Brazilian churrascaria, often the salads become standardized. One of the things I love about Fogo de Chao is that every time I visit they have new seasonal additions that are unique, innovative, and generally pretty exciting to taste. It's summer and so that means that it is watermelon season and I was excited to see the latest addition to the market table was a Watermelon Feta Salad. Here's how you can make it at home.
Cauliflower is one of my favorite vegetables since it is so incredibly versatile. From roasting and grilling to ricing and even mashing... cauliflower has a unique ability to act as a blank canvas for whatever you as the chef... artist... can dream up. For me, I love roasting my veggies on the grill. There's that perfect char that comes from grilling that just can't be replicated by an air fryer or convection oven. So, for today's recipe, I'm going to present one inspired by Gobi Curry but far far easier to prepare and dare I say... a lot less messy too!
Chicken Tenders are one of the most versatile menu items out there. The sheer number of options to coat a chicken tenderloin with and sauces to dip it in allow for incredible freedom. Plus, there's the debate of whether to fry it or bake it. For me, I prefer to bake my chicken tenders since while I do enjoy fried foods, baking is so much easier to clean, safer, and healthier. So, with dreams of sunshine and palm trees in my head, I prepared these baked Crispy Crunchy Coconut Chicken Tenders evoking the sweet and spicy Caribbean flavor that I love!
In the realm of unusual culinary delights, beaver meat has made something of a splash. When prepared properly, beaver meat can be a safe to eat, healthy, game meat, that might be the perfect thing for your next game meat dinner. That's right! A number of men (and women) actually savor this unconventional red meat for its unique flavors and surprising health benefits. Despite raising many eyebrows, it's neither a modern fad nor an odd survivalist regime - people have been consuming beaver meat diligently for centuries across North America.
Yet, not everyone is familiar with this aquatic animal as foodstuff.
Looking for some recipe ideas that feature cheese? Check these tasty creations out!
I'm not going to pretend that this is a fully accurate and 100% authentic Wampanoag succotash recipe but I've done my best to create something that matches their culinary traditions and food availability before the Pilgrims arrived in 1620. This journey, along with some others that I've done recently to better understand indigenous traditions among the peoples that inhabited North America for thousands of years, is a thrilling journey of exploration for me. It's one thing to simply visit Plymouth Rock or talk with a tribal historian, but to actually prepare and taste something that someone hundreds of years did allows your mind and body to understand a culture far better than any history book ever will.
Perhaps the biggest thing I miss about not being able to travel right now is the thrill of discovering new foods and regional interpretations of foods common across the United States. Earlier this year while I was in Lafayette, Louisiana I was introduced to a flavor combination that frankly, I'm now obsessed with. The simple combination of rice, scrambled eggs, and a dusting of Cajun spice took something that would otherwise be mundane but now it was unique, fun, and exciting.
Vacations and even traveling for business may seem like the perfect excuse for overindulging in your favorite snacks. After all, it's easy to order desert or that steak instead of a salad when you've got extra per diem left! However, making the right food choices and maintaining a nutritious diet will boost your energy throughout your trip and generally make you feel better as well as being more productive. Despite what you might think, it IS possible to eat healthy whenever you travel, so here's some of our favorite tips!