road trip games for a guys getaway

Long road trips with the guys can get boring quickly. Did you know that playing classic road trip games like "I Spy" or "Punch Buggy" can keep everyone entertained? This blog will give you fun ideas to make your journey enjoyable, including trivia and card games.

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Classic Road Trip Games Adapted For Adults


You need fun activities to pass the time. Classic games can be a blast when played with friends on the road... some even have grown-up twists!

20 Questions

Play 20 Questions to pass the time. One guy thinks of something, and others guess by asking yes-or-no questions. It can get pretty funny... or even a bit edgy. See if you can stump your buddies with tricky choices like "Andrew W.K." or "Linda Holmes." Keep it light-hearted, and everyone will stay in good spirits.

You can take turns asking questions like "What's your favorite food?" or "If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be?" These questions can spark interesting conversations and reveal new things about your travel companions. It's a great way to pass the time and bond with each other on your journey. So, next time you hit the road with friends or family, consider playing the Fact Discovery game to make the trip even more memorable!

License Plate Game

Spot a license plate from every state. This keeps everyone busy and makes the miles fly by. Share memories of plates you've found before, like Hawaii or Alaska. It's amazing how fast time passes while you're on the lookout.

The License Plate Game adds fun to any road trip with friends. Compete to see who spots the most states first. It keeps everyone engaged and helps pass long stretches of highway. Up next, try a Music Quiz for more entertainment!

Music Quiz

Make a game out of your favorite songs. One guy can hum a tune, and the others guess it. 

To keep the energy high and everyone engaged at the party, you can also play CDs like The Hives' "Veni Vidi Vicious" or The Strokes' "Is This It." These albums are filled with high-energy rock and catchy hooks that will get everyone dancing and singing along. The fast-paced beats and infectious melodies will create a fun and lively atmosphere that will keep the party going all night long. So crank up the volume, hit play, and let the good times roll with these electrifying albums.

Take turns being the DJ. Play snippets from different artists on the CD player. See who can name that song first! This quiz keeps minds alert and makes time fly by on long road trips with friends.

Card Games

Card games can be a lifesaver on long trips. Pack a deck in the glove compartment. 

Players can use a book and other learning resources to establish real fundamentals like the top Hold’em starting hands so that they better understand the most popular variation of poker. If somebody in the group knows more about the card game, they may be willing to mentor, but there are some excellent learning resources out there, too. 

Or you can just make up your own unique game. For example, each card could have a different letter on it, and players would have to arrange the cards to form words. Players could take turns revealing their words, and points could be awarded based on the length or complexity of the words formed. This can be a fun and interactive way to challenge players' vocabulary and spelling skills while also adding an element of strategy and competition to the game. Additionally, players can get creative with their words and come up with funny or unique combinations to keep the game entertaining. This word game card version of Wordle can be played with friends and family to provide hours of fun and laughter.

Would You Rather

Would You Rather" is a fun game that keeps everyone talking. One person asks a question, like "Would you rather have super strength or the ability to fly?" Everyone else takes turns answering and saying why.

This game sparks great conversations and laughs, even on long drives.

You can also make it more interesting by adding a twist. Use themes like travel or music for your questions. This way, the game stays fresh and fun throughout the trip. It’s perfect for keeping everyone awake during those long stretches of road.

Plus, it helps pass time quickly without needing any special tools or apps.


Love challenging your buddies? Then try trivia. Ask each other fun and tough questions. Test how much you know about sports, movies, or even history.

One person can play the host while others guess answers. Switch roles so everyone gets a turn to ask questions and show off their knowledge... just like on Jeopardy! This game can get really competitive and it's perfect for passing time on a long road trip with the guys.

I Spy

I-Spy is a fun and simple game for keeping everyone entertained on the road. One person picks an object they see, then says, "I spy with my little eye something that…" followed by a hint like color or size.

The other guys take turns guessing what the object might be.

A good way to make I-Spy more exciting is to add themes or specific rules, such as only choosing things inside the car or using categories like "all things considered." This way, it keeps everyone alert and looking around for new clues.

You can even mix it up by playing during different parts of the day—like having a morning edition version where you focus on things that are bright or shiny in the morning light!

Alphabet Game

Try the Alphabet Game to pass time. Start with any letter. Spot words on signs, license plates, or stores beginning with that letter. Move on to the next letter after everyone finds a word.

No two people can use the same word.

The game gets competitive quickly! Your friends will laugh and cheer while rushing to spot words first. It helps everyone stay alert and entertained during long drives. Happy hunting for those Z's and X's!

Punch Buggy

Punch Buggy adds a fun twist to spotting cars. This is a classic game but it's a good one! Look out for Volkswagen Beetles on the road. Spot one, and lightly punch your buddy’s arm while calling out, “Punch buggy!” It keeps everyone alert and laughing.

Padiddle is another option that brings in some friendly competition. Be the first to spot a car with one headlight out. Shout "padiddle!" and tap the roof of the car. These games bring back old memories while keeping the ride entertaining.

Road Trip Bingo

Road Trip Bingo is a fun game for long drives with friends. Use bingo cards, but mark off things spotted during the trip. Look for things like a red car, a cow, or even strange road signs.

Each player gets a card and marks what they see.

The competitive side kicks in as everyone tries to be the first to get five in a row. The best part? You can custom-make your bingo cards to fit your group's interests. Add some rare items for extra challenge! This keeps everyone looking out of their windows and engaged all through the journey.

Guess the Distance

After bingo, switch gears with a game of "Guess the Distance." Pick a landmark or road sign far ahead. Each person makes a guess on how many miles away it is. The closest guess wins.

This game keeps everyone sharp and alert. It's also great for sparking fun debates about distance and speed. Plus, it breaks up the monotony of long stretches of highway.


Car-aoke combines two fun things: cars and singing. Imagine a road trip with your buddies, blaring heavy metal music, and everyone singing their hearts out. You can play DJ by creating custom playlists or using old CDs from high school days.

Choose songs that everyone knows for more fun. Mix up the tunes—rock, pop, classics—to keep it interesting. Have each guy take turns picking a song to sing along to... even if he's tone-deaf! Car-aoke keeps the energy high throughout long drives and endless highways.

Word Association

Word Association can be a fun game for long road trips. One person says a word, and the next person has to say the first word that comes to mind. It keeps everyone alert and thinking fast.

For example, if someone says “car,” another might say “road” or "trip.”.

This game can get funny and unpredictable... Lead to lots of laughs! You don't need any materials—just your imagination. Use it to pass time and keep conversations going strong while driving with friends.


Long road trips can be tons of fun with friends. Play classic games like 20 Questions, the License Plate Game, or a Music Quiz to pass the time. Try card games and trivia to keep everyone involved.

Sing along to your favorite songs for an epic car-aoke session!