If you’ve got a car that you need to sell, then you’ll want to look at the options that are available nowadays. When it came to selling cars some twenty or thirty years ago, you’d only really have the car magazines available, as well as local newspapers and notice boards.

Now, however, you have a lot more options to choose from. Whether that be online or offline,  here are some helpful tips to sell your car quickly.


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Know it’s value

Do you know the value of your car? When you bought it, you might have paid a certain amount but now it could be worth a lot more - or a lot less. Some cars are limited edition or so popular that they hold their value or increase.


However, most cars tend to depreciate and some greatly depending on whether you’re the first, third or seventh owner of the car. With that being said, make sure you know its value before you start selling it because you could be selling yourself short or charging too much to get buyers to nibble.

Try selling it online

A great way to sell your car in this digital age is by doing so online. The online world has a lot of options when it comes to car-selling sites, such as WhipFlip - an aptly named site for selling vehicles. 

Don’t forget to explore the internet but to be wary when it comes to choosing a site to advertise your car on. Some might not be as legitimate as they first seem and others may not have a huge volume of buyers readily available, which means your car listing is sitting on the site for months.

Take it to a car dealership

If you’re not one to approach the online world often, then it might be worth exploring your options offline. There are plenty of car dealerships in existence and therefore are a great choice for selling your car.


With some car dealerships, you’ll find that they’ll be able to offer a cash offer which means you can transfer over ownership of the car within a few hours. Therefore, it’s worthwhile exploring what car dealerships are available locally to you.

Sell with a private buyer

If you’ve got some time on your hands, then you might want to find a private buyer, of which there will be many. Some might tend to deter from this option because it means potentially dealing with scammers or those who aren’t so serious about making a purchase.


Make sure to use reputable choices when seeking sites or offline publications for private buyers. When choosing a private buyer’s offer, you should be realistic with what they offer and how legitimate they are.

Prepare to negotiate 

Finally, be prepared to negotiate. Whether you approach a car dealership or private buyer, it’s worth being a bit of a haggler. It’s what you’ll need in order to get the best price you want for the car.


These tips will help sell your car quickly, so make sure to use them when you have a car that needs to be sold.