awkward conversations sons and fathers need to have about aging

Nobody likes to talk about getting older and for men that conversation is especially challenging. From the time we're young boys, weakness is something we struggle to overcome. As we get older though, weakness and failure to achieve what we once looked at as normal - bathroom habits, stamina, mental issues etc. all become the constant reminder that we're getting old. These are some of the awkward conversations that you need to have with your dad if you want them to have a quality of life that reflects how they raised you when you were weak and needed some extra help.




As our parents age, it's crucial for adult children to have essential and often awkward conversations about the inevitable changes that come with aging. My father went through this with his parents about a decade ago and now I'm going through it with my wife as we take care of my Father-in-Law. Although these discussions can be uncomfortable, broaching topics like health concerns, end-of-life planning, and financial management is vital for both father and son as they navigate this challenging stage of life together. Conversations about helping him to find assisted living options can be especially emotional too.

In this blog post, we'll explore five critical conversations you need to have with your dad regarding his golden years and offer guidance on how to start the dialogue in a compassionate and empathetic manner.

Men must have uncomfortable conversations with their aging fathers on topics like health concerns and medical history, end of life planning, financial planning and estate management, as well as emotionally difficult discussions.

Health Concerns And Medical History

Discussing health concerns and medical history with an aging father can be a daunting task for many men. Father-son relationships often involve a certain level of emotional distance, which may make broaching the topic feel awkward.

To begin the conversation about health concerns and medical history, start by sharing your own experiences or any recent doctor visits you've had as an icebreaker. This approach demonstrates that you're genuinely interested in both of your well-being, making it easier to delve into more personal territory like cancer support or healthy eating habits.

For instance, if your loved one has been experiencing swallowing difficulty, it's crucial to get the details from SimplyThick to help modify their food textures and liquid consistencies. It can help them manage dysphagia and ensure proper nutrition intake.

Be prepared to listen attentively and offer assistance where needed – this includes researching relevant information on WebMD or finding booklets specifically tailored towards teens coping with a parent's illness (such as cancer).

Poor Decision-Making Patterns

As we get older, we are supposed to get wiser and that's true to an extent. Unfortunately, as we get older, we often believe that we have all the answers and that anything that challenges our views is simply wrong and needs to be dismissed. This can lead to poor decision-making patterns on a variety of topics. Some of these are minor - having an extra scoop of ice cream for instance - while others, such as choosing to ignore "best by" dates on expired food packaging can lead to serious health consequences. Somewhere between those two topics is the subject of how much to spend for medically nessisary items.

One example is hearing aids, devices which have become insanely expensive the past few years and as a result, lead to a rise of otc hearing aids. While these may be just fine for many people to use so that they can hear better ... it might not be the right solution for your dad. That's why they will need your support to help them make good decisions that will lead to them having a good quality of life.

End Of Life Planning

End-of-life planning is a crucial but often overlooked aspect of aging that men should have open and honest conversations with their fathers about. This process involves making important decisions regarding personal, healthcare, and financial matters when an individual reaches the end stages of life.

It includes discussing topics such as elder care, hospice care, advance directives, healthcare proxy, estate management, and long-term care options.

For example, Dr. Atul Gawande's "5 Questions to Ask at Life's End" helps guide this conversation by providing a framework for determining end-of-life care goals based on one's values and beliefs. Additionally, men can use resources like The Conversation Project’s free guide to facilitate dialogue around complex emotions or concerns related to aging parents' plans for healthcare decisions throughout the rest of their lives.

No matter how much he may cherish his wife and assume she will be there to help him in his moment of need, these things simply can't be assumed to happen as hoped.

Financial Planning And Estate Management

One of the most challenging yet crucial conversations men need to have with their aging dads revolves around financial planning and estate management. Approaching topics such as long-term care, retirement planning, , including when considering options for a retirement home, inheritance, and end-of-life directives can be daunting for both parties involved.

To make these discussions more productive and less awkward, consider sharing anecdotes or examples from friends or relatives who have gone through similar experiences. Additionally, having open discussions about wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and advance directives can help ensure that your father's wishes are respected when he may no longer be capable of making decisions himself.

Emotionally Difficult Discussions

One of the most important but emotionally difficult conversations men must have with their aging dads is addressing end-of-life planning. It's common for people to avoid this conversation because it can be uncomfortable and bring up feelings that are hard to confront.

However, starting this dialogue in advance allows both parties to understand each other's wishes regarding crucial aspects such as medical treatment, independent living arrangements, funeral plans, and even organ donation.

Another emotionally challenging conversation topic revolves around financial planning and estate management. This includes discussions about wills, taxes, debts, expenses-related concerns so everyone involved is aware of what needs doing in case one or more family members pass away unexpectedly or become incapacitated due to illness or injury.

Lastly, substance abuse is another emotional hot button topic between fathers and sons when discussing aging-related issues.

Tips For Starting The Dialogue

To make starting these conversations easier, we've compiled a list of tips: choose an appropriate time and place, use open-ended questions to encourage discussion, show empathy and understanding for your father's perspective, and offer support and encouragement throughout the conversation.

Choose An Appropriate Time And Place

It's crucial to choose an appropriate time and place when initiating discussions about aging with your dad. It's best to approach the topic of aging in a private place where you can have an intimate conversation free from distractions.

Listen carefully to your dad’s schedule and try not to bring up the topic during stressful periods. If he has work deadlines or is busy managing other responsibilities, it may not be a suitable time for him to have such a serious discussion.

Remember that this conversation can be difficult for many people, so it’s important to show sensitivity towards your father’s feelings. Show respect and empathy while discussing sensitive issues related to aging.

Use Open-Ended Questions

Starting the conversation about aging with your father can be a delicate situation, but it's essential. One helpful tip is to use open-ended questions to encourage dialogue and avoid simple yes or no answers. Here are some examples of open-ended questions you can ask:

  • How do you envision your retirement years?
  • What kind of legacy would you like to leave behind for future generations?
  • What are your thoughts about end-of-life care and medical treatment options?
  • How do you feel about living arrangements as you age?
  • Can you share any memories or stories from your life that you'd like me to know?

By asking open-ended questions, you're giving your father the opportunity to express his feelings and thoughts on these sensitive issues. Remember to listen carefully and show empathy, even if the conversation becomes uncomfortable. Starting these conversations now can help ensure that both of you are on the same page when it comes to making critical decisions down the road.

Show Empathy And Understanding

It's important to approach conversations about aging with empathy and understanding. This means putting yourself in your dad's shoes and trying to understand his feelings and concerns about getting older.

For example, if your dad is worried about losing independence as he ages, you can show empathy by acknowledging his fears and discussing options for maintaining his autonomy.

If he is concerned about health issues, offer support by researching possible treatments or finding a good doctor for him.

Offer Support And Encouragement

One of the most important things that men can do when having conversations with their dads about aging is to offer support and encouragement. Though these discussions may be difficult, it's crucial to remember that everyone involved is likely feeling vulnerable, scared, or uncertain.

Offering support might look like helping your dad research elder care options in the area or going with him for a doctor's appointment. It might also mean simply listening without judgment as he expresses his worries about getting older or dealing with health issues.


In conclusion, having difficult conversations with our aging parents can be uncomfortable and awkward, but they are necessary for their well-being and our own peace of mind.

This guide offers tips and guidance for starting the dialogue about important topics like financial planning, end-of-life care, and medical history. By using open-ended questions, showing empathy and compassion, and offering support, we can have meaningful conversations that lead to better understanding between fathers and sons.