While the Cubs are the perennial underdogs, having not won a World Series in over 100 years, their home in Chicago is one of the most iconic sports stadiums in the whole world. In previous years, the Cubs have played at Hohokam Stadium, shared with the Oakland A's but this year they opened up the season at their very own stadium "Cubs Park", affectionately referred to as "Wrigley Field South".
As someone who has enjoyed numerous games at Wrigley I can say that even though it is someone that should be on the bucket list for any sorts fan, the park is an absolute dump. From obstructed views to cramped bathrooms and nets installed to keep concrete from falling on people's heads it is one of those places that should probably just be shut down - if it wasn't for the antique charm and sense of history that radiates from every square inch of the facility.
A few years ago, I heard that they were building a new facility in Mesa and so I was extremely excited to see what the designers would do to bring that charm to Arizona. Luckily I was not disappointed, the new Cubs Park is a fantastic facility that brings the spirit of Chicago south to Arizona but doesn't entirely turn it into "Cubs" theme park.