renovating an abandoned house

There are many great reasons why you might want to renovate an abandoned home. There’s something incredibly satisfying and rewarding about taking a neglected home that’s in disrepair and returning it to its former glory while making it functional again too.

Having said all of that, you need to be aware of what goes into making this happen. Because although the idea might be fun and exciting, there are lots of challenges along the way and lots of practical and logistical processes that you’ll have to navigate along the way. Read on to find out more about the process.


Understand the Home’s Condition Before Buying

Before you make any commitment to buying an abandoned home that’s seen better days, you need to fully understand what you’re getting yourself into. The home’s condition will have a big impact on how much money you have to spend to get it fully renovated. If you have a specific budget in mind, you need to make sure that you buy a home that’s able to be renovated without completely destroying that budget. 


Ensure Financing for the Renovations Are in Place

Speaking of money, it’s also important that you know where the money you need to renovate the home is going to be coming from. Do you have cash to cover the costs or are you going to be taking out a loan or mortgage to cover the costs of renovation? Those are questions that you’ll have to know the answers to because you can go about the renovation process. The money has to come from somewhere after all.


Know the Help You’ll Need

It’s important to be aware of the help you’re going to need in order to carry out these renovations. Have a survey carried out and make a list of every task that’ll need to be completed. When you do that, you can start to get a better idea of how the whole thing is going to play out and which tasks you can take care of yourself, as well as which tasks you’re going to need professional help and assistance with.



Modernize the Electrical Wiring

One thing that you definitely can’t afford to overlook when it comes to renovating an old and abandoned home is the electrical wiring. The wiring in old homes that haven’t been lived in for a long time is usually sub-par and unsuitable in some way. By making sure that you improve and modernize it, you can make it safe as well as functional for you or whoever else eventually moves into the home. These days, no one wants to live in a home that doesn’t have these basic and fundamental things sorted out.


Ensure the Plumbing System is Up to Scratch

Another thing you’ll need to make sure is up to scratch and fit for modern demands and expectations is the plumbing. If the plumbing isn’t where it should be, you’ll need to search for a plumber near me and get someone on the case at the soonest opportunity. Some very old homes that haven’t been in use for a long time might not have the plumbing setup in place that’s going to function as modern homeowners would need and expect it to, so don’t overlook this.


Try to Restore Period Features

If the home has period features, you shouldn’t just banish these or remove them. Even if you want to make the home feel more modern, you can work around the features and accentuate them. Restoring the period features can really lend the home its old grandeur and character, while at the same time creating a modern home around it. That combination of outcomes should be what you’re aiming for when period features are involved.


Check To See If You Need To Replace The Windows

One of the first things that may need to be replaced when renovating a house is windows. Be sure you're replacing your old windows with energy-efficient ones! A window replacement renovation will not only prevent drafts and save on heating bills, but new windows can completely change the look of a room by adding light or making it feel more open. If you already have storm windows installed, these can also add an extra layer of insulation during winter months, so don't overlook them either.

Consider Extensions and Structural Changes

If the home is a little on the small side and you want to change that, you’ll need to consider adding extensions or changes to the structure of the home. There are many ways to approach this and the cost of it will depend on what you want to do and the extent of the work involved. But it’s something to at least consider.

Renovating an abandoned home is a big task, and it’s not one that you should enter into lightly. You need to be ready for the challenges that are going to come your way as you work on the home; some of them may delay and derail your plans. You really do need to expect the unexpected with this kind of project.