men working on a home improvement project

A large DIY project requires various steps, and missing just one can be a nightmare. Preparation is everything for a complex job that requires more than a hammer and a few nails. A full decor project or renovation needs planning and an emphasis on health and safety.

Gather Convenient Tools

First, you need the right tools to get the job done. Sure, hammers and screwdrivers are a vital part of any toolbelt. However, there are many tools that are much more convenient. Automatic tools, for example, will take the hassle out of the job. Things like nail guns, drills and powered screwdrivers are more powerful and much, much faster. They make any job a lot easier and save your hands too! Gather what you need for the job and ensure they are charged up!

Always Plan a Large DIY Project

Planning is key for any large job. Starting a project means you must see it, though. However, with a poor plan or even no plan at all, there is a very high chance of failure. Okay, we all love getting stuck in, and you want to save money. But over 90% of tradespeople have reported a rise in call-outs to fix a botched project! High times for handy people, but not so much for you. A plan ensures you know what to tackle first, how to get it done, and what you need for the job.

Buy Any Necessary Safety Gear

Safety always comes first. Let that really sink in. You don't want to waste time and money because you failed to pay attention. You also don't want delays to a project because you didn't gather basic safety gear. For most DIY projects, it only takes some coveralls, a mask, and common sense to stay safe. For anything more complex, you will need safety knowledge. If you feel even a little uncomfortable doing something, then consider hiring an expert in the field.

Organize a Team if Working with Others

Having help is a massive benefit for larger DIY jobs. Consider how challenging it can be to put up a shelf! So anything bigger, heavier or more complex than this might require a few extra hands. Team organization is vital. Enlist people who have some kind of expertise and experience for valuable help and advice. However, even a few friends can make DIY fun and much easier. This is especially true for heavy lifting, large paint jobs and accurate installation.

Large DIY Project Contingency Planning

Things can and often do go wrong when embarking on a large project such as bathroom tech upgrades. However, success or failure can come down to how you deal with problems. A solid and reliable contingency plan will help get you out of a bind when something happens:

  • Start by identifying if there are any potential risks to the project.
  • Plan for how you can avoid these risks or reduce their impact.
  • Set aside a fall-back budget of around 10% of the expected cost.
  • List tasks that require previous steps and prioritize them in order.
  • Ensure you have the funds for the most expensive tasks.
  • Refer back to the plan and update it as necessary.
  • Finally, keep an eye on weather reports that can impact the project.

You and anyone on a team needs to know how things will go when work halts or becomes impossible. Understanding the risks can help prepare for them or even avoid them completely. Of course, there are some things, like the weather, that you can plan for but not control.

Check or Replace Tools

As part of safety, always check your tools before using them. Ensure cutting tools are sharp because blunt tools are actually more dangerous to work with! Also, clean debris from tools if they have been used before. If you are using power tools, be sure to check cables for damage and ensure they are charged. If any tools look unsafe or you aren't sure, then play it safe. It will cost to replace your tools, but there is no price you can really put on a safe working space.

Organize Tools in Order of Use

Large-scale projects might require the use of many different tools. This can be tricky to manage as there are cables, walking in and out of different areas, and other people to deal with. However, you can make this easier on yourself and others by organizing tools. Lay them out in order of use for when they are needed. And, of course, put them away when they are finished. This helps keep the area safer. The last thing you want is to trip over a wire into the paint!

Keep a Large DIY Project Space Tidy

Organizing the tools will help keep the area safer. But there is more to be done. A tody area is a safe area, and you can reduce the chance of a hazard by keeping the place clean and neat. In the UK alone, there are over 4,800 hospital visits from people hurting themselves on power tools. This could be down to misuse. But it's likely a lot of them are accidental, such as power tools being left out and switched on! Put tools away after use, and keep wires out of the way!

Get Rid of the Kids and Pets!

We all love our kids and pets equally, of course! However, they can and do get in the way. Pets especially can be a nightmare as they don't typically obey commands or sense they are a danger. Just imagine how many paw prints have been cleaned up from a new wooden floor! If possible, ask someone to take the children and pets for as long as you need to get the job done. If this isn't possible, create a safe and separate area for anyone on the property at the time.


Gather tools that make the job easier to prepare for a large DIY project. It will help to have a plan of work and a contingency plan if work isn't possible and remove pets and children.