bart oates nfl player

What's even less fun than losing a football game? How about a prostate exam. OK, all jokes aside this is just another important part of making sure we stay healthy and so Cancer Treatment Centers of America has teamed up with some NFL greats to help spread the word as well as offer some free testings through Oct 31. With that out of the way, here's what football legend Bart Oates has to say about playing in the NFL, lessons he learned and some of his favorite restaurants!

What was it like playing in the NFL?

Playing in the NFL was fun, exciting, rewarding, challenging, demanding and stressful, sometimes all within the same day or game.

What are some lessons you learned on the field that you wish you had known before suiting up for the first time?

I wish I had learned to “enjoy the moment” more rather than always focusing on what I needed to do next to remain competitive.

What's motivating you to work with the CTCA to promote awareness of prostate cancer?

The primary mission of the NFL Alumni Association is Caring for our Own. Prostate cancer has the potential to affect all of our members. Through our partnership with CTCA, LabCorp, and Health Testing Centers, from September 1 through October 31, men 40 and over can sign up to receive a free Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) screening at LabCorp locations throughout the United States. The test is quick and convenient, it’s the only way to know if you’re at risk. Men can register at

What are some things you think guys should know about Prostate Cancer that maybe we're afraid to ask our doctors about?

Guys are largely concerned about erectile dysfunction and incontinence.

As a player you had an opportunity to travel a lot - what's your favorite city to visit?

I enjoy diversity so I don’t have a favorite city. I like the mountains and the beach. I like cold and warm weather. However, I live outside of NYC and love taking advantage of all it has to offer, which has more things to see than I have to time to visit.

Who has the best fans?

NY Giants without a doubt. They will cheer you when you’re good and will boo you when bad but will always be there. They feel it is their team as well as the owners. If you were organizing a guys’ weekend getaway, who's joining you and where are you going?

I would rather spend the weekend with my two granddaughters, Olivia (3) and Zoey (1). It’s amazing how things that used to be important can be pushed to another day if I know I can be with one of them for the weekend.

What are your three favorite food spots in New York/New Jersey?

The River Palm Terrace, Fuddruckers, Minado