The importance of going green and doing more for the planet is no secret. You only need to turn on the TV and you will come across a number of news bulletins and documentaries regarding the damage we are doing to the environment. It can seem like it is impossible to have a positive impact, however. You are only one person, and the task seems like a mammoth one. Nonetheless, if every individual commits to making small and simple changes, the difference will be substantial. It doesn’t have to cost you much money (in fact, it can save you some), and it doesn’t need to involve a considerable effort on your part. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the ways you can green your routine and do more for the planet.
Invest in solar power – One of the ways you can make a massive difference is by investing in solar solutions, for example, solar panels. Solar power will enable you to cut down on your utility bills significantly. While an initial outlay is required financially, the savings, in the long run, are extensive. All of the while, you will be doing your bit for the environment, as you will be using a renewable energy source to power your property. Using the services provided by a solar panel company is a great way to reduce the need for finite resources, as well as reducing water and air pollution.
Print wisely – Whenever possible, you should organize your files digitally. There are many solutions available when it comes to virtual folders, and they can be a lot more convenient too. Make sure you back up all of your files and documents to an external hard drive and you cannot go wrong.
Fix bathroom leaks – A lot of people allow bathroom leaks to linger, and this leads to gallons of water wasted every month. More often than not, this is because homeowners don’t realize they have a dripping faucet or a running toilet. So, how can you tell? There is a simple solution. All you need to do is pour a tiny bit of food coloring into your water tank. There is a leak if the color shows up in the bowl and you haven’t flushed the toilet.
Make food last longer – The amount of food wasted on a daily basis across the world is quite astonishing. You need to make an effort to make your groceries last longer. As soon as you get home from the store, you should unpack them. Also, make sure you keep your fridge and freezer at the right temperature so that your vegetable and other food items last longer.
Go veggie – Going veggie is another way to protect the planet and boost your health in the process too. Did you know that converting to vegetarianism would cut global food emissions by two-thirds? Going veggie is a great way to drastically reduce your carbon footprint.
Buy eco-friendly appliances – Nowadays, there is a wave of eco-friendly appliances available that can help you to cut down on the energy you use. Did you know that you could buy an eco-kettle? If you are someone that drinks a lot of coffee and tea, this will be a good investment, as these kettles use as much as 30 percent less power. You also need to look for energy-efficient models whenever you need to replace more substantial appliances like your boiler.
Clean greener – You don’t need to use harsh chemical cleaners to ensure your home is spotless. In fact, there are many simple solutions that will do the trick. For bathrooms and kitchens, you can use baking soda to get stains and stuck-on messes away without scratching. For hard-water deposits and soap scum, use lemon juice. To clean surfaces, cupboards, walls, and windows, a mixture of water and vinegar works well. And finally, some soap and hot water are all you need to get rid of dirt and germs.
Consider your exterior paint choice with care – This is something that a lot of people do not consider when it comes to their property’s energy efficiency, yet it makes a massive difference. Why do you think that most properties in the Mediterranean are painted white? Light colors help the home to stay color, while dark colors will maintain heat, so make sure you choose your exterior paint color with care
Go paperless with your bills – This simple monetary change can make a massive difference. In fact, some banks and companies even offer a small discount for those that sign up for their paperless bank bills and statements.
Use the cold setting on your washing machine – Did you know that 90% of the energy that is consumed by a washing machine goes towards heating up the water? So, why not do your laundry in cold water instead?
Switch your light bulbs – Another simple, easy, and effective way to do your bit for the planet is to switch your light bulbs. Get rid of your incandescent or CFL light bulbs, and opt for LED light bulbs instead. Like solar power, this may be a little bit more expensive in the beginning, but it will save you much more money in the long run. This is because LED light bulbs last roughly 25,000 hours more than incandescent light bulbs, per bulb. Plus, LED light bulbs are recyclable, unlike other versions.
We hope that these tips and pieces of advice will help you when it comes to living in a more eco-friendly way. However, we do not only need to be concerned with eco-friendliness when it comes to our homes. You also need to think about your business as well. Businesses tend to use a lot of energy. Some are a lot more energy-intensive than others. Nevertheless, regardless of the sort of business you run, you cannot ignore the need to do your bit for the planet and act in an environmentally friendly manner. Of course, there are some snippets of advice from the above tips on home eco-friendliness that can translate to your business as well. However, there are some additional things you should be doing.
What about your business?
All businesses today have a responsibility to do their bit for the environment. Not only is this important in terms of helping the planet, but it will keep your customers on-side too. After all, consumers are becoming more selective regarding whom they do business with and a lot of people will not want to give their money to a firm that does not care about the environment.
Get an energy audit – There is only one place to begin, and this is with getting an energy audit. This is the easiest way for your business to go green. A professional will come to your premises and assess your use of energy. They will determine where you are operating efficiently and where improvements can be made.
Go online – If you are yet to go paperless, the time is now. Yes, it may seem daunting, but you will be glad you have done it in the end. Not only are online storage systems a lot better for the environment, but also they are much more efficient and easy to manage too.
Encourage employees to walk or bike to work – Another way you can improve the environmental approach of your business is by encouraging employees to bike or walk to work. You should think about offering them incentives to do so. Some companies run competitions to see which member of staff can reduce their carbon footprint the most. You should also encourage team members to carpool if biking and walking is not an option.
Make the switch to LED light bulbs – This is an easy change to make and it will have a much greater impact than you may realize. You are going to be wasting a large chunk of electricity if you are currently using incandescent light bulbs. LED light bulbs provide the same brightness by using a much smaller amount of energy, and therefore, they last a lot longer too.
Rethink waste disposal – Last but not least, you need to consider whether you are handling waste disposal as environmentally friendly as you could be. This is especially the case when it comes to the likes of electronic waste, which is exceptionally damaging to the environment. If you need rubbish removal services, you should always look for a company that prioritizes the environment and will give you advice on the greenest methods of waste disposal for your business specifically.
Hopefully, you now have a better understanding regarding the various ways you can go green at your business. If you follow the advice that has been provided, you will not only boost your environmental policy but you will enhance your brand image in the process too.