hearing health foods

Do you ever have trouble hearing what people are saying? You're not alone! Millions of men suffer from some degree of hearing loss and this is especially true as we get older. In this blog post, we will discuss some foods that can help improve your hearing as well as other natural ways to improve your ability to hear. So, if you're looking for ways to improve your hearing, read on!

Improving Your Hearing Is Different Than Preventing Hearing Loss

In previous posts we've discussed ways that you can prevent hearing loss but now it's time to look at the other side of the equation. Just as there are things you can do to prevent hearing loss, there are also things you can do to improve your hearing. While there is no cure for certain hearing issues such as noise-induced hearing loss, there are treatments available that can help improve your hearing and quality of life.

Before we get into the specifics of what foods can help improve your hearing, it's important to understand that improving your hearing is different than preventing hearing loss. When we talk about improving hearing, we're talking about reversing or stopping the progression of hearing loss. In other words, if you already have some degree of hearing loss, these tips may help improve your hearing but even if you don't have any hearing loss, these foods can still help improve your hearing ability and potentially prevent future hearing loss due to age related causes.

It is important to note that some causes of hearing loss such as prolonged exposure to loud noisy environments, severe ear infections, or nerve damage due to viruses and other diseases may be beyond the ability for dietary changes to help.

However, the good news is that the foods we're going to look at to improve your hearing also offer other significant benefits throughout your body!


Foods and Nutrients That Are Essential For Hearing Health

Here are some of the most essential nutrients to ensure good health in your daily diet, including those that can support the health of your auditory system. Sadly, there is no magic bullet that we can point you to that will automatically restore your hearing to the level of a 20-year-old man but through proper diet that includes the following minerals and nutrients it can ensure that your hearing will remain strong for years to come!

Vitamin A: vitamin A is important for the maintenance of healthy skin which helps protect the delicate structures in the ear. Vitamin A is also an antioxidant and can help protect against damage from free radicals.

Foods that are high in vitamin A include:

  • carrots
  • sweet potatoes
  • pumpkin
  • spinach
  • kale
  • collard greens
  • romaine lettuce


Vitamin C: vitamin C is important for the health of blood vessels including those in the ear. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant and can help protect against damage from free radicals.

 Foods that are high in vitamin C include:

  • oranges
  • grapefruit
  • strawberries
  • bell peppers
  • broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts


Vitamin E: like vitamins A and C, vitamin E is an antioxidant. It is important for the health of cell membranes throughout the body including those in the ear.

Foods that are high in vitamin E include:

  • sunflower seeds
  • almonds
  • hazelnuts
  • peanuts
  • spinach
  • Swiss chard
  • kale


Zinc: zinc is a mineral that is important for the health of many different body systems including the immune system, reproductive system, and nervous system. Zinc is also important for the development and function of cells in the ear.

Foods that are high in zinc include:

  • dark chocolate
  • oysters
  • lamb
  • poultry
  • beans
  • nuts
  • pumpkin seeds


Omega-3 fatty acids: omega-3 fatty acids are important for the health of cell membranes throughout the body including those in the ear. Omega-3 fatty acids are also anti-inflammatory and can help reduce inflammation in the ear.

Foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids include:

  • fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines
  • flaxseed
  • chia seeds


Folic Acid: folic acid is important for the development and function of cells in the ear. Folic Acid allows your body to maximum new cell growth and improves circulation. Additionally, folate-rich foods contributes to the health of the tiny delicate hair cells found inside your ear.

Foods that are high in folic acid include:

  • dark leafy greens such as spinach and kale
  • beans and legumes
  • nuts and seeds
  • citrus fruits


Potassium: Potassium is one of the most important nutrients to ensure proper health and with regard to hearing loss it is important for the proper regulation of fluid levels in the inner ear. It will also lead to reduction in high blood pressure numbers by relaxing vascular smooth muscle. This allows for good circulation and proper blood flow because the amount of fluid throughout your body is under control. Not only will correct potassium levels help with improving proper hearing function but inner ear problems can lead to vertigo.

Foods that are high in potassium include:

  • bananas
  • avocados
  • sweet potatoes
  • tomatoes
  • white beans
  • yogurt
  • halibut

 This list may seem long and complicated but the good news is that most of these nutrients can be found in breakfast cereals that have been designed for a healthy diet. This is especially true when you combine those whole grains with potassium-rich foods like a banana. You may have laughed at the commercials when you were younger about cereals being an important part of your balanced diet but it's true!

Proper nutrition is essential to your overall health and that includes ear health as well as supporting your body's immune system so it can fight off infections. Thankfully, today there are many options when it comes to ways that you can ensure that you get all of your essential minerals as easy as simply walking through your grocery store.


Hearing Problems Are Treatable

While these tips on foods that can help maintain good hearing health and potentially help improve your hearing are a good first step, don't use this as an excuse to avoid going to a doctor for a full diagnosis. Hearing problems are often able to be compensated for today through a variety of methods ranging from technology solutions as well as medical procedures.