there are careers that men don't even consider because they think it's just for women

You've probably heard a lot of talk about careers that are typically thought of as "women's jobs," and some careers that are often considered to be for men. But what you might not realize is, there are many really great careers out there that most people think only women will do! In this post, we'll explore 5 careers that most guys don't think are good for men- but they totally should!

Examples Of Careers Men Still Think Are For Women

There are many great careers that most people think only women will do, but there are also a lot of amazing careers that guys don't usually consider. In this post, we'll explore five careers that most guys still think are for women- but they totally should!


One of these careers is nursing. Nursing is a great career for men because it's an extremely rewarding field and there's always room for advancement. Male nurses can work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, schools, and homes. They can also expand their core responsibilities to involve careers in a variety of roles, including IT, laboratory science, consulting, and management positions.



Another career that's typically thought of as a "women's job" is a beautician. But the truth is, there are many great opportunities for men in this field. Beauticians can work in a variety of settings, including salons, spas, cruise ships, and resorts. They can also specialize in a variety of areas, such as hair care, skincare, nails, and makeup.


Social Workers

Social workers are another great career choice for men. They help people in need by providing them with the necessary resources and support to improve their lives. Social workers can work in a variety of settings, including schools, hospitals, social service agencies, and private practices.


Elementary School Teachers

One career that most guys don't think about when it comes to women is teaching. This is especially true for Elementary School Teachers and with young students in general. But the fact is, there are many great opportunities for men in this field! Teachers have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of their students and help them reach their full potential.


Child Care Workers

The final career we'll explore is child care worker. This is a great career for men because it allows them to work with children and help them grow and develop. Child care workers can work in a variety of settings, including daycares, preschools, schools, and hospitals. They can also specialize in a variety of areas, such as early childhood education, special needs care, and pediatric nursing.


Why do these careers get a bad rap, when they can be so rewarding and interesting?

It's important for guys to look past these stereotypes and consider all of the amazing opportunities out there. And it doesn't hurt that many of them are also a lot more fun than people think!

Despite this, many men won't even consider those jobs. For some guys, this is simply because they've never been introduced to them as an option and for others, it is because the environment and leadership cater to women without trying to reach out to men.

Some people look at many of these jobs and suggest that pay is the reason but careers such as nursing are relatively lucrative and constantly in demand. In fact, male nurses often get paid more than female ones and are higher more quickly.


What advice would you give to someone who's looking to change their career path, and wants to try something new?

For men who are looking to make a career change to something new, it can be challenging. It's important to take the time to do your research, explore all of your options, and ask for advice from people who are currently doing that job. It can also be helpful to shadow someone in that career for a day or two to get a better idea of what it would be like.

When making a career change, it's also important to remember that it's not going to happen overnight. You'll likely have to go back to school or get additional training in order to make the switch. We are very lucky that today, many options exist for online education.

One example is a beauty school such as Ogle San Antonio where in addition to simply cutting hair or styling makeup, they also offer classes in the business of beauty. In this way, men who might already have a business background but want to follow their passion for fashion can make the switch more easily. With hard work and determination, you can achieve anything!

There are many great careers out there that most people think only women will do! In this post, we've explored five careers that most guys still think are for women- but they totally should! So if you're looking for a great career that's not often thought of as being "for men," then consider one of these great options!