
  • Dry Pouring: A Risky Bet for Complex Concrete Projects

    In the realm of construction, understanding concrete pouring methods is vital. There is a trend on social media right now to show how easy it is to dry pour concrete projects instead of investing in machinery (or even rentals) that are designed to properly blend water with the concrete powder before pouring it in the forms. For some folks dry pouring works as an alternative to wet pouring... but the reality is if you really care about how well your project with turn out and you aren't already an experienced mason or concrete finisher then you should probably leave it to the trained professionals.

  • Ways My Mom Was Bold In Raising Me and My Sister

    Happy Mothers Day Mom! Thank you for being bold in raising me and my sister, giving us opportunities and taking us on adventures across the country. I can't help but think that this helped me make the bold and sometimes risky person I am today. It's a sense of adventure that we both share and I want to say thank you...

  • Ways To Celebrate Father's Day and Make It Special This Year

    Father's Day is in a couple weeks, so here's some advice to make sure it's special and not just time to get another tie or "hand painted coffee mug". 

  • Dog Skin Care Tips to Keep Your Dog's Skin Healthy

    Dogs are a part of the family and we want to do everything we can to keep them healthy and happy. One important aspect of dog health is keeping their skin healthy. Dogs can get skin problems for many reasons, including allergies, parasites, and contact with irritants. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 tips for helping your dog maintain healthy skin!

  • Tips To Pick the Perfect Tech Gift for Her

    With the holidays right around the corner, everyone is starting to create lists of gifts, the shopping spree begins, and a headache caused by finding the perfect gift begins to set in. Everyone has different needs and expectations, so how to find the ideal gift for a woman that loves technology? The socks or beauty products sets seem to be out of question this time, so here are some tips that will help you find the perfect gift.

  • Office Party Holiday Celebrations To Bring Joy To The Workplace All Year Round

    The holiday season brings joy, camaraderie, and festivity, making it the perfect time for office holiday parties. These events are not just about celebrating the end of the year but also about building relationships, appreciating employees' hard work, and setting a positive tone for the upcoming year. However, organizing a successful office holiday party requires careful planning, creativity, and attention to detail. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the essential steps to ensure your office holiday party is memorable, inclusive, and enjoyable for everyone involved.

  • What To Know If You Are Thinking About Moving to Italy

    The dream of moving to Europe seems appealing and spending not just a few days or weeks sipping wine and eating pasta in the Italian countryside seems like a dream. What's it really like to move to Italy from the United States though and what do you need to know if you want to make that lifestyle change a reality? Let's take a look at what you'll need to do to move to Italy.

  • What You Need To Know To Plan A Home Fireworks Show This Year

    In today's tumultuous world, going out and celebrating something isn't always an option. Extra work, family obligations, and staying home due to the pandemic can affect how you throw a party. It may be more challenging to go out these days, but that doesn't mean you can't have a great time celebrating at home. Hopefully, by the time most of us are ready to start shooting off some fireworks, most of us will have received the vaccination and it will be safe again to have gatherings with family and friends again.

  • Self Help Tips To Become a Better Man

    If you feel like you’re lacking and don’t feel confident enough in life, you should try to fix your own shortcomings so that you can progress in life and become more self-confident. Working on your own flaws is pretty easy once you know-how, so don’t feel too daunted by the prospect of doing this. It should all be geared towards improving your confidence and making you feel better equipped to succeed in life.

  • Put on the B.R.A.K.E.S. and Arrive Home Safe Every Time

    Driving safely is one of the most important things you can do, but honestly most of us learn by surviving accidents and "near misses". Sure, your drivers education class that you (and likely your kids) took at school teaches you how to operate the vehicle but it is mostly under ideal conditions. What happens though when the driver is distracted, the road surface is slick, or something causes your car to temporarily lose control? These aren't hypothetical... they are REAL conditions and like anything in life, you can can't simply avoid them. The only solution is to teach drivers how to reduce risk while teaching them how to manage situations when they arise. 

  • Ryan Chong Founder of Standard Luggage and Travel Backpack Designer

    As you know, we absolutely love the Travel Backpack from Standard Luggage that we received earlier this month. It's a great addition to our travel gear, but the person behind it is even more interesting. It's not often that we get to talk with the guys who actually create great stuff. After chatting with Ryan a bit through email it became clear that he was more than just a guy who saw a niche in the marketplace. Instead, while he is clearly a business person creating an awesome product he's doing it out of his personal passions, and experience as a seasoned traveler too.

  • 5 Things Financially Successful People Do Differently

    Money is an essential part of life and financial literacy is an important skill to have. Understanding these principles can help people make better decisions about their money, reach their financial goals, and even create wealth. It also provides insight into how the world economy works and how that affects personal finances. This article will expand on this topic a little as we explore some of the things that financially successful people do differently to most people.

  • How To Balance Me Time With Family Time

    Being a family man inevitably lets you take on responsibilities that are just growing in number and importance as the years go by. Lots of people depending on you can be rewarding, especially when you are able to provide and care for them, but it can also have its toll on both your physical and mental health when you get into your routines and forget to take a pause every once in a while. You won’t want to wake up one day feeling overworked and barely feeling any personal satisfaction in the fact that you haven’t pursued your own goals for yourself.

  • Life is Beach But You Can Keep Going

    Thank you Lexington Law Firm for sponsoring this post. A high service partner and consumer advocate that will help you fight for the credit you deserve!

    Life happens, but you can keep going . That's something I wish I had better understood when I was younger. The reality is no matter how much you plan and prepare that stuff will happen that tries to derail you from whatever it is you thought you were supposed to do. Some of us are better than others at "rolling with the punches" but unfortunately - life happens. I've experienced that numerous times over the past 40 years and what I've discovered is that it will continue to happen. What's more important is how you recover and that's the message behind the folks at Lexington Law Firm. While they can't rebuild your house after a storm or make you healthy again what they can do is help you recover your credit so you can move on with life and tackle the next adventure.

  • Easy Ways To Give Yourself a Confidence Boost

    If you have ever wondered why you keep getting passed over for that job promotion or your social life isn’t as bustling as you wish it was, maybe you lack a bit of self-confidence. Living the daily grind can take a toll on how many men see themselves. 

  • Guide To investing: Attributes Men Need To Be Successful

    It’s natural for men to want to be financially secure, especially considering they must provide for their families. Financial security enables you to live a comfortable life, retire safely, or achieve other personal goals that you’ve set for yourself. Now, this concept looks different for everyone: to some, financial security translates into a successful business, while for others, it might mean a highly paid job. However, men have recently become increasingly interested in investing, and that’s for a reason: this is an exceptional way to improve your financial well-being in the long run. But of course, investing isn’t a piece of cake – it is an endeavor that requires responsibility, commitment, an excellent strategy, and the right mindset.

  • How to Help Prevent Aquatic Invasive Species from Spreading

    Fishing is one of the most fun sports that I can think of. It’s a great way to enjoy nature and time away from technology while bonding with our brothers and testing our skills against nature. Unfortunately, as people travel farther and farther to enjoy new locations, we are taking invasive species with us. When introduced in new environments, these invaders can wreak havoc on their new environment and potentially lead to the destruction of what once made that area great. Luckily, there are things you can do to help limit their spread and preserve waterways such as Montana’s streams, rivers and lakes for generations to come.

  • Tips For Picking the Perfect Name For Your Car

    Cars are deeply personal objects and for most of us they are the most expensive thing we will ever purchase aside from a home. So, it's not unusual that you'd feel compelled to name him (or her) something so that this personal relationship can reach it's full potential as a truly personal part of your life. Whether you call that yellow Pinto rusting in your garage "Old Yeller" or that faithful minivan the "bro wagon" because it serves as a taxi to haul your buddies to the game or on offroad adventures every weekend, it almost doesn't matter. The point though is making sure that it's something that makes sense to you and fits your lifestyle. So, to help make sure you pick the perfect name, here's some quick tips for naming your car.

  • How to Pick Her Perfect Valentine’s Gift

    To most couples in love, St Valentine’s Day is a very special occasion. Many couples celebrate this occasion by enjoying a special, romantic time together and also purchase special gifts for one another to demonstrate the way that they feel. This time of year is a challenge for us men. On one hand, there are many options available when it comes to choosing the perfect Valentine’s gift, but the goal is to buy something that shows how much you care about HER. Because of this, while it might be easy to buy flowers and chocolate... it is even more important to put plenty of thought into it beforehand to ensure that you make the right choice for your partner. You need to choose something that is special, meaningful to her and, given the occasion, very romantic. When you do, you'll be sure to reap the rewards for being the ultimate Valentine Casanova!

  • How to Take Better Photos for Your Business

    If you're looking to market your business with photos, you'll want to make sure that they look their best. Professional photography techniques can be adapted to take great pictures for your website or social media pages. In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the equipment and lighting tips you'll need to produce high-quality photos for your business. With a little bit of practice, you'll be able to take amazing photos that will help promote your brand!